Teen Bahuraniyan
Teen Bahuraniyaan follows the lives of three daughters-in-law—Manjeet (Payal), Bindiya, and Janki—who come from different backgrounds but live together under the same roof in a wealthy Gujarati joint family in Ahmedabad. As they navigate the ups and downs of family life, each bahu deals with their in-laws and personal challenges in their own way. Despite facing obstacles, including their selfish mother-in-law, they strive to maintain peace and prove their worth within the Gheewala family. The show blends drama with comedy, appealing to a wide audience.
IN10 Media Pvt. ltd.
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Oshiwara, Jogeshwari (w),
Mumbai 400102, Maharashtra, India.
Ground Floor, Techweb Center, New Link Road,
Oshiwara, Jogeshwari (w),
Mumbai 400102, Maharashtra, India.
+91 22 6130 6800