
Set in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh, the story follows Runjhun, an orphan treated like a servant by her cruel relatives. Her maternal grandmother learns that Runjhun is a “bhagonwali” who brings good luck, but her aunts plot to marry her off to local goon Guddu Shukla. Runjhun challenges Guddu to become a better man, while Guddu decides to teach her relatives a lesson. However, Runjhun’s compassion for her relatives causes tension between them.

Their relationship worsens when Guddu’s ex-girlfriend, Nilu, kidnaps Runjhun and forces Guddu to marry her. After Runjhun escapes but is shot, Guddu marries Nilu, but she is killed before the truth comes out. Runjhun loses her memory, and her relatives try to deceive her. Obsessed with having a child, she asks Guddu to marry her, and despite his hesitation, he agrees. As they marry, Runjhun regains her memory, and her family finally accepts her, leading to a happy reunion.

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